Funding entity Comisión Europea
Participated by Endesa Distribución Eléctrica S.L, Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica S.A, Red Eléctrica de España, Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Nuestra Nueva Energia S.L, Ayuntamiento de Malága, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB, E.On Energidistribution AB, Affarsverket Svenska Kraftnat, Uppsala Kommun, Energiforsk AB, Expektra AB, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Diacheiristis Ellinikou Diktyou Dianomis Elektrikis Energeias AE, Independent Power Transmission Operator SA, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V, N-SIDE S.A, Engineering - Ingienería Informática S.P.A
The CoordiNet project aims at demonstrating how DSOs and TSOs shall act in a coordinated manner to procure and activate grid services in the most reliable and efficient way through the implementation of three “TSO-DSO-Consumer” demonstrations at large scale, in cooperation with market participants (and consumers). The consortium defines and adapts, demonstrates and promotes future standardized products for grid services and related market platforms to contribute to the seamless pan-European electricity market.
The project covers not only typical market situations but also advanced and futuristic scenarios, such as P2P markets, to paint the most flexible and advanced vision of how a cooperative service platform may look in the future European energy system.
In a nutshell the innovation introduced by CoordiNet can be captured in the following points:
- Creation of the appropriate conditions of cooperation among all the actors including the customers removing barriers;
- Complete analysis and definition of flexibility in the grid at every voltage level encompassing TSO and DSO domain and including consumer participation;
- Definition of new mechanisms more suitable for real time operations;
- Implementation of large-scale field-tests able to comprehend all the voltage level and to trigger the participation of all the actors including the small players;
- Definition of the requirements for a standard unified European platform to be exploited beyond the limit of the project.
Three large-scale demonstration projects are foreseen, implemented by both DSOs and TSOs for the networks covered within the respective demonstration areas in Spain, Sweden and Greece.
Each demonstration assesses the application of selected coordination schemes and prototype market platforms and test a complete set of products for grid services. Demonstration areas are selected based on existing and future needs for additional / adapted grid services for the network operator and the availability of flexibility from energy consumers, storage and or small-scale (RES) generation connected to the network. The demonstration regions provide versatility in terms of geographical location, market maturity and their load / generation profile. Finally, the results of these demonstrators are extrapolated to other European countries to pave the way towards a pan-European platform.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824414 |